Stress and Anxiety Disorders are much more common than you think. It has been reported that nearly 1 in 5 adults in the United States suffers from an anxiety-related disorder. As you can guess, anxiety is now the most common mental health condition. Being that anxiety is so common, you may wonder what kinds of treatment methods there are. While some medications can help with anxiety symptoms, they can also become addictive or have adverse side effects. Treatment methods like occupational therapy are an unusual way to address your issues with anxiety without the use of aggressive medications. If you suffer from anxiety and need occupational therapy in Freeport, don’t hesitate to contact us at East End Occupational Therapy to schedule an appointment and get your treatment process in motion!
Anxiety can have the ability to affect all aspects of your daily life. Over time negatively impact your physical health due to prolonged stress levels. Now, let’s talk about how occupational therapy can help you if you suffer from anxiety. The first important step in benefitting from occupational therapy is to have an honest. Also, have an open dialogue with your occupational therapist. The better you communicate your anxiety triggers, the type of anxiety you experience, the symptoms you have, and your goals related to managing your anxiety, the better your occupational therapist can help you.
Occupational therapists can assist you in relaxation techniques that you can use before, during, and after anxiety attacks. As well as episodes to help you manage them appropriately. They can also help you increase your self-awareness, making you more aware of the signs and symptoms of anxiety to manage it better. For more interesting facts and information on anxiety, click here. For trusted occupational therapy in Freeport, visit East End Occupational Therapy.
East End Occupational Therapy in Freeport is committed to providing clients with personalized, professional care to help them feel their most optimal self. Don’t let your anxiety stand in the way of you living your life to its fullest potential. For the best occupational therapy in Freeport, visit our website or contact us to schedule an appointment today!