Exercises to Strengthen Your Shoulders

Our shoulders are essential; they are what keep us balanced, helps us lift heavy objects, and mean a lot to our overall figure and physique. Solid and capable shoulders can represent a solid upper body, as it helps tremendously with more day-to-day tasks than you may realize. So, why not take the initiative to make them better when they give issues? Fortunately for you, at East End, occupational therapy near centereach ny, we know just what exercises are the absolute best to ensure that your shoulders, no matter what pain they are in beforehand, are up to speed and keeping you able to be yourself.

Occupational Therapy near Centereach NY

occupational therapy near centereach ny

Who knows, you might like to keep doing these exercises post-therapy. However, no matter what condition you may be in, a routine is necessary for long-term gain. The best routine is the one that accommodates your strength levels at the time, with beginners utilizing at least two of the exercises while more experienced do more. It is important to keep rep counts low until you feel more capable of doing more of them and hitting all of the shoulder muscle groups for maximum gain and rehabilitation.

These Exercises Are:

  • Lateral Raises
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Slicers
  • Front Raises

Lateral Raise

Lateral raises are perhaps the first exercises you will learn about for shoulder workouts, as they are not only common but effective when executed properly. While standing, feet firmly on the ground and arms extended fully to your sides, use the weights or resistance bands you are grasping and raise them. Then, bring them back down, still fully developed, and repeat. This is quite an efficient shoulder exercise. Therefore it is important to ensure that you are performing the exercise correctly, or else your shoulders will only feel pain and barely, if at all, improve. East End, occupational therapy near centereach ny, is here to help with this and the proceeding exercises should you have difficulties or any questions.

Shoulder Press

Shoulder presses can come in varying forms, though the most common and effective are overhead variations. Holding the weights or resistance bands in a curled position, then hold them over your shoulders. Then, lift them up and over your head, then back to the position you started in. It may take some getting used to on the outset, but it becomes easier and feels better to use under repeated use. You should feel the pump at the top of your shoulders as you perform the exercise.


Slicers is perhaps a much less conventional shoulder exercise, though it is a notably fun one for the sake of physical therapy. Extending the arms much like the aforementioned lateral raise, though this time, with arms fully extended the entire time, you bounce them upwards a little, then come back down to the original position, then up again in a rapid motion. This is a strenuous exercise to do for a minute, with 30 seconds being the limit for new activity. However, it is a fantastic one when practiced, as it can pump the shoulders quite nicely.

Front Raise

Front raises are similar to the lateral raises, except in this instance, the arms extend upward to the front of you (hence the name). While perhaps a little trickier than lateral raises, it certainly feels great when it is performed correctly and routinely. Arms are not closer together in this exercise. Instead, they are aligned with where your shoulders are, with no movements to the left or right.

Contact East End Occupational Therapy Near Centereach NY

East End occupational therapy near centereach ny has you covered for any of your shoulder afflictions, and these exercises are capable of doing the trick and getting you back up to speed, as well as other treatments. To learn more, contact us for an appointment. We have locations in Bohemia, Massapequa, and Rockville Centre.

East End Occupational Therapy