What Causes Shoulder Inflammation?

Did you know that shoulder injury are one of the most common injuries? Millions of people are affected by this injury every year. They are often caused by excessive repetitive movements, overhead motion, and even lifting your arm the wrong way. If you’re battling a shoulder injury, East End Occupational Therapy in Oceanside can help improve and treat your specific problem. Please contact us today to learn more about how physical therapists can help you!

The shoulder is one of the most moveable joints in the body. Shoulder pain occurs when many tendons become stuck under the bone in the shoulder joint, leading to problems and pain. However, many people tend to have the habit of battling through any pain in hopes that it will someday go away. It’s essential to seek medical attention if you are in a lot of pain with your shoulder because it can worsen over time. Occupational Therapy in Oceanside can help regain your motion and alleviate pain in your shoulder.

Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

Symptoms of Shoulder Injuries?

If you’re experiencing any pain in your shoulder, it’s essential to ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Can you still move your arm normally, as you used to?
  • Is your shoulder too stiff or very painful to do anything?
  • If you move your shoulder, do you feel like it can potentially pop out of its socket?
  • Is your shoulder strong enough to function normally?

Occupational Therapy in Oceanside is here to help you with any pain that you may be experiencing. If you’re experiencing any shoulder pain, it should not be taken lightly and needs immediate action if pain arises. Suppose any pain or discomfort begins to emerge, seek medical help to protect yourself from future problems. If you don’t go out and get help, it can only hurt you in the long run.

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

Many different factors can lead to shoulder pain, including Arthritis, instability of the shoulder, tendon tears, and fracture in the bone. Here are causes of shoulder pain that Occupational Therapy in Oceanside can help you with:

  • Bursitis: soft tissues that help reduce inflammation and pain between the muscles and the bone. Excessive use can lead to swelling and pain to occur.
  • Tendinitis: the tendon connects the muscle to the bone, which causes instability and your motion to be affected. These muscles become weak and allow this to occur.
  • Tendon Tear: This is caused by the splitting and tearing of tendons which causes a sudden injury. Most of the time, these tears are even partial to wholly separated.

How Can I Prevent Shoulder Pain?

Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

It’s essential to start on a lightweight training regime to help regain strength. Our physical therapist at Occupational Therapy in Oceanside can show you how to do them correctly. Following a treatment program can help you get right on track to how you once were before. Here are exercises that are great for recovering from shoulder pain. 

  • Door presses: Proceed to stand upright in an open doorway and bend the elbow at a 90 degrees angle. Start by pressing your hand at the back of the doorway, hold for about ten seconds, and repeat.
  • Stick lifts: At home, use a broom or mop and hold the stick upright position. Begin to slowly raise the stick over your head until you are comfortable. Hold for about five seconds and repeat this process.
  • Shoulder shrugs: Begin by standing with your arms at your sides and push your shoulder blades back; the more you perform this movement, a more significant stretch will begin to occur. It’s best to hold this position for about eight to ten seconds to get a full stretch going. 

How Occupational Therapy in Oceanside Can Help At Home?

At first, it’s essential to allow your shoulder to rest overtime to allow yourself to heal properly. It’s best to avoid activities that you may do regularly to don’t reinjury your shoulder. Advil or Motrin is the best pain reliever to take if any pain or discomfort starts to occur. Always apply a cold compress for about ten to fifteen minutes to help reduce some of the pain and inflammation. If you want to keep your shoulder in a resting position, a brace will allow you to gain the most support, rest your arm, and not perform any strenuous activities. Lastly, doing some light stretches can help take some of the pain you might feel.

Contact Occupational Therapy in Oceanside!

If you’re battling a shoulder injury, East End Occupational Therapy in Oceanside can help improve and treat your specific problem. Please contact us today to learn more about how physical therapists can help you!

East End Occupational Therapy