Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

About Us

The mission of East End Occupational Therapy, Hand Therapy in Oceanside is to provide our patients with compassionate and skilled therapy of the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder as we tailor individualized treatment plans to help improve quality of life. East End Occupational Therapy is a specialized hand and upper extremity rehabilitation practice that has been dedicated to providing a complete and comprehensive range of occupational therapy services to its patients. The team at East End Occupational Therapy strives to deliver the best evidence-based care possible through our client-centered approach.

Not only is our practice in direct contact with your physician from the initial examination through your discharge, but we also work closely with your surgeon to develop an optimal plan of care with the goal of restoring your functional independence. Most of us rely on our hands routinely and it is not until we suffer an injury that we recognize the importance of our hand function when performing daily living skills.

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Anthony Marullo MS, OTR is the founder and practitioner of East End Occupational Therapy. As member of the American Society of Hand Therapists [ASHT] he has countless hours of advanced training in hand and upper extremity injuries. Anthony was awarded a membership to Alpha Eta, the National Honor Society of the Allied Health Professions which is considered a distinct honor and reserved only for those who graduate at the top of their class. East End Occupational Therapy in Oceanside is the culmination of Anthony’s vision to bring excellence to the field of specialized hand therapy and his passion for the occupational therapy profession.

East End Occupational Therapy is a specialized hand and upper extremity rehabilitation practice that has been dedicated to providing a complete and comprehensive range of occupational therapy services to its patients. The team at East End Occupational Therapy strives to deliver the best evidence based care possible through our client centered approach. Not only is our practice in direct contact with your physician from the initial examination through your discharge, we also work closely with your surgeon to develop an optimal plan of care with the goal of restoring your functional independence. Most of us rely on our hands routinely and it is not until we suffer an injury that we recognize the importance of our hand function when performing daily living skills. If you are in need of Occupational Therapy in Oceanside don’t hesitate to contact our office.

What is Occupational Therapy?

Have you recently suffered from an injury or illness that has impacted your ability to complete once easy tasks?  Do you or a loved one have a disability that impairs the ability to perform basic functions?  If the answer to either of these questions is yes, our occupational therapist at East End Occupational Therapy can help.  Continue reading to learn more about receiving Occupational Therapy in Oceanside, and the benefits this service can bring you.

What Is Occupational Therapy in Oceanside?

The main goal of occupational therapy is teaching patients how to adapt to their everyday situations. Our trained occupational therapists will make a full assessment of your condition and come up with therapeutic ways to help you achieve your goals. Some of the most common situations occupational therapy helps with include:

  • Children struggling to participate fully in school and other social situations.
  • Aiding those suffering from an injury to recover their strength and skills.
  • Helping elderly patients deal with the physical and cognitive changes that come with aging.        

Benefits Of Occupational Therapy:

Choosing our team at East End Occupational Therapy to administer occupational therapy will help you reap various benefits. Our occupational therapist will work with you to teach you ways to change your movements, so none of your abilities remain hindered. Examples of activities our occupational therapist will assist you to perform better at include:

  • Leisure activities.
  • Office work.
  • Bathing and getting dressed.
  • Eating without the help of others.

Who Can This Form Of Therapy Help?

Occupational therapy is a field that has steadily increased in its need over recent years as anyone who struggles with completing common tasks will benefit from attending sessions. If you’re dealing with any of the below injuries or health conditions, consider reaching out to our team for occupational therapy as these all can have physical ramifications:

  • Strokes.
  • Arthritis or chronic pain.
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Mental health or behavioral issues.    

What To Expect During Your First Session?

It’s perfectly normal to be a bit nervous about your first session of Occupational Therapy in Oceanside. To help ease these nerves, our team would like to walk you through what you can expect to take place. The first step of the occupational therapy process will be to make a full assessment of your condition, home, and workplace. Doing so gives our occupational therapist a better idea of the changes that need to be made to better your life. After completing the assessment, our occupational therapist may advise you to start using assistive devices.

They will also work closely with your family or caregivers to give everyone the necessary information to help you live complication-free. One of the most important things to remember is that you will play an important role throughout the entirety of the therapy process.

East End Occupational Therapy in Oceanside: 

At East End Occupational Therapy, our mission is to provide quality and compassionate care.  When issues with your ability to function and complete everyday tasks begin to arise, occupational therapy can be used to overcome them.  By teaching you new methods for movement, and how to use assistive devices, you’ll be able to improve your functionality to levels you thought would now be impossible.  To learn more about Occupational Therapy in Oceanside and how it can help you, be sure to schedule an appointment with us today!  When you choose us for care, you’ll guarantee you’re in the best hands. 

Our Mission

The mission of East End Occupational Therapy is to provide our patients with compassionate and skilled therapy of the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder as we tailor individualized treatment plans to help improve quality of life.

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Hand Therapy

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Upper Extremity Therapy

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Tips For Avoiding Work Injuries

For many, physical work can be incredibly taxing on the body. When you throw an injury into the mix, it tends only to make things worse. Whether you work in construction or spend nine to five hours sitting in front of a computer screen in your office, workplace injuries can affect anyone. Our team at East End Occupational Therapy in Oceanside understands this and is here to help. We want to take some time to discuss the most common types of workplace injuries and what can be done to avoid them.

Injuries Commonly Found In The Workplace  

As previously stated, no matter what you do for a living, the risk of sustaining an injury due to your line of work is always there. Trying to work through an injury is often considered noble, however it will only cause the damage your body sustained to become worse. Fortunately, if you find yourself in this situation, our team can help. Our occupational therapy services can be used to treat a wide range of the most common workplace issues, which include the below:

  • Muscle strains and tears.
  • Ligamentous issues.
  • Bone breaks and fractures.
  • Dislocations.
  • Overuse injuries.
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain.
  • Cuts and lacerations.

Although treatment will be performed promptly by our team, it will still take time for your injury to heal fully. That is why it’s essential to try and avoid workplace injuries when you can. By following the advice our team lays out, you’ll keep your body protected and prevent the need to visit a doctor’s office. Our physical therapists will move along with a clinical evaluation and provide you with a tailored treatment plan. Contact our clinic today! 

Use The Right Posture

It’s easy for those with office jobs to think that nothing can go wrong with your health. However, that is not true. If you’re sitting incorrectly with your neck hunched over, looking at your screen all day, you may develop neck and back pain. To help you avoid this, we recommend the below:

  • Keep the monitor an arm’s length away from you.
  • Hands should be at or below elbow level.
  • The feet should lay flat on the floor.
  • Your back should be pressed against the end of your chair.
  • The top of your screen should be slightly below eye level.

Wear The Right Gear

For jobs that require more physical tasks, wearing the right gear can help save you from injury. By making sure certain parts of your body are covered with this equipment before each shift, you’ll significantly reduce the chances of suffering severe injuries. Examples of the gear one should consider wearing include:

  • Hard hats.Occupational Therapy in Oceanside
  • Gloves.
  • Safety goggles.
  • Knee pads.
  • Protective gloves.
  • Lower back support belt.

Clean Spills Immediately

Did you know that spills can be one of the most common causes of workplace injuries? If the floor isn’t dry and clean, it can lead to unsuspecting workers slipping and sustaining a severe injury. That is why we highly recommend cleaning up a spill the second you notice one has occurred.

Additional Injury Prevention Tips

With so many types and causes of injury that can occur while a person is working, you must have as many prevention methods at your disposal as possible. That is why our team at East End Occupation Therapy would like to provide these additional tips to help keep you healthy and pain-free:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Make sure you or your company marks hazardous areas of your worksite.
  • Attend or host regular safety meetings.
  • Stay hydrated throughout your shift.
  • Check all equipment before operation.

Hand Therapy in Oceanside

Hand conditions are painful and annoying. Some hand conditions are untreatable, and others are symptoms of more extensive conditions. If you have experienced hand pain and feel it needs treatment, you should seek medical help immediately. You may have a condition that needs to be treated, or you may have a larger condition that is very serious such as a traumatic injury. If you are experiencing hand pain and are in need of Occupational Therapy in Oceanside, contact us today. We could help you reduce or eliminate your hand pain. Don’t wait until it’s too late to receive treatment because every condition varies among different people.

Contact Our Team For Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

If you suffer an injury after taking part in these prevention methods, don’t fret. Our team at East End Occupational Therapy is well versed in treating workplace injuries and will administer the care you need to get back to full strength. For more information regarding how we can treat your injuries, be sure to contact us today and schedule an appointment for Occupational Therapy in Oceanside.

Common Overuse Hand Injuries

At East End Occupational Therapy, we take pride in offering the sessions of hand therapy to the local community. When issues with pain or mobility of the hands take place, completing everyday tasks can feel next to impossible. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with an overuse hand injury, our team will be able to help. Our hand therapists will work diligently to get you back to full strength, so your quality of life can be restored.


When talking about common overuse injuries, it’d be impossible to leave tendonitis off of your list. It is the most common overuse injury a person can suffer from. Tendons are cords of tissues that connect your muscles to your bones. Although these tissues are essential for movement, they can become inflamed and irritated through overuse. Symptoms of this condition can include the following:

  • Swelling.
  • Tenderness in the affected area.
  • Pain.


In a similar vein to tendonitis, another overuse injury that commonly takes place is a strain. Strains can affect both the tendons and muscles in your hand. When you continuously perform specific tasks and actions with your hands, the tendons and muscles can begin to stretch past the point of no return. If you don’t take care of this type of problem, you leave yourself open to developing any of the below:

  • Bruising.
  • Limited mobility in the affected area.
  • Complete tearing of the tissue.    
Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

Stenosing Tenosynovitis (Trigger Finger)

Another injury our team is well versed in treating is known as stenosing tenosynovitis, or trigger finger. This condition got its nickname because it causes the affected finger to get stuck in a bent position. Trigger finger takes place when the integrity of your flexor tendons become compromised. These flexor tendons allow you to bend your fingers, and when they cannot function properly, it leads to the involuntary bending.    

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

One final overuse hand injury that our team would like to discuss is De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. This painful condition affects the tendons on the thumb side of your wrist. When the tendons in this area become affected by this condition, you’re likely to experience pain near the base of your thumb, as well as having a difficult time managing your grasp and making a fist. Swelling around this area is also a common symptom. While you may think you can try and handle these symptoms on your own, if you’re still experiencing pain after trying the below, it’s time to see a doctor:

  • Not using the affected thumb.
  • Icing the affected area.
  • Using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication. 

What Is Hand Therapy?

When you’re faced with the previously mentioned conditions or any other types of overuse injuries, hand therapy could be the answer to your problems. This form of treatment was developed to focus specifically on ailments plaguing upper extremity. Hand therapy needs to be administered by a certified hand therapist, which our team here at East End Occupational Therapy can offer patients. Hand therapy merges both occupational and physical therapy theory to facilitate the optimal healing outcome within our patients.  

Benefits Of Working With Our Team

If you’ve never heard of hand therapy before, it’s understandable if you’re a bit hesitant to undergo sessions of this practice. However, our team would like to ease some of the nerves you’re experiencing by sharing the benefits you can receive by scheduling an appointment. Benefits that patients can expect when they choose to work with us include:

  • Elimination of pain.
  • Improved flexibility and range of motion.
  • Potentially avoiding the need for surgery.
  • Post-operative recovery aid.  
  • Restored functionality levels.  

East End Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

Patients dealing with hand issues can attest to how quickly they can drain one’s quality of life. Fortunately, at East End Occupational Therapy, our team can help with that situation. To schedule Occupational Therapy in Oceanside needed for you to make a full recovery, contact our team today.   

What Causes Joint Dislocation?

Joints are the parts of the body in which two or more bones come together and allow for movement. Without them, it’d be impossible to complete the daily activities many of us take for granted. Due to the intricacies of these structures, various issues can compromise their integrity. One such problem is dislocation. At East End Occupational Therapy, our team is well versed in treating ailments relating to the joints. 

What Is A Joint Dislocation?

A joint dislocation can be a painful and sometimes debilitating injury. It’s essential to seek swift medical attention when a dislocation occurs to help avoid any permanent damage. When faced with the below symptoms in the affected joint, a dislocation has likely happened:

  • Swelling.
  • Discoloration.
  • Extreme pain.
  • Inability to move.
  • Visible deformity. 

Which Joints Can Be Dislocated?

One always needs to remember that any joint in your body can be dislocated. While the location of some dislocations can be more problematic than others, each one should still be treated promptly so you can have your quality of life restored. When working with our team, we’ll treat all of the most common joint dislocations, which include the below:

Occupational Therapy in Oceanside
  • Fingers.
  • Shoulders.
  • Knees.
  • Hips.
  • Elbows.

The Causes Of A Joint Dislocation

By understanding the common causes of joint dislocation, you may prevent them from taking place in the future. Doing so will allow you to spend less time seeking rehabilitation with our team here at East End Occupational Therapy. Some of the most common causes of joint dislocations tend to include the following:

  • Contact sports, such as football and hockey.
  • Sustaining blunt force to a joint during a fall.
  • Motor vehicle accidents.

Risk Factors

Just like there are different causes of joint dislocations, various risk factors make certain people more susceptible to suffering from this type of injury than others. Knowing if you fall into one of these categories will help you understand if you need to take extra precautions to avoid joint dislocation. Rest assured, if this is the case, our team will provide you with preventative care measures to help you remain as healthy as possible. Below are just a few of the risk factors we want our patients to be aware of:

  • Having an issue that leaves you more susceptible to falls.
  • A genetic disposition where your joints are looser than usual.
  • Participating in contact sports.
  • Having a history of dislocations.

Treatment For This Injury

As previously stated, it’s essential to seek out treatment right away when dealing with a joint dislocation. If left unchecked, this type of injury can lead to further damage to the associated tissues, blood vessel, and even nerves in the region. Fortunately, our team can help prevent these complications from happening. We can restore your joint to the proper position through various treatment methods and return it’s functionality to normal levels. These treatment methods may include:

  • Gentle manipulations to move the bones back in place. 
  • Bracing to keep the joint immobilized while the damaged tissues heal.
  • Utilize stretches and exercises to facilitate the healing process.    

Contact Us For Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

When you’ve suffered a joint dislocation, don’t wait to seek out medical attention. At East End Occupation Therapy, we are well versed in this area and will provide you with the treatment needed to improve your condition. For more information about joint dislocations or to schedule your appointment for care, contact our team today.

What Are Ergonomic Modifications?

Our occupational therapy in Oceanside helps treat with work-related injuries. Many occupational disorders are developed due to one’s job. One of the most common occupational disorders in the workplace are work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WSMD). Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are caused by repetitive micro-traumas that occur within one’s occupation. The repetitive traumas cause damage to the musculoskeletal tissues, especially in the shoulder region. This can cause a lot of damage because most people spend most of their hours at their workplace doing the occupation that is causing injury. These injuries have also affected the United States economy. There are treatment methods such as hot packs, manual therapy, and electrical stimulation that lack evidence of really treating work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

However, there are other ways to alleviate these disorders, one method being ergonomic modification. An ergonomic modification, also known as an ergonomic intervention, adjusts the environment, behavior, and long-term educational approaches of a worker to help prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders. 

How Ergonomic Modification Help

Ergonomic modifications’ primary function is to address the complexity of the WSMD’s nature. Doing this can also help develop the prevention of the musculoskeletal disorder in the work setting. This is because each occupation requires a different repetitive motion that is developing a WSMD. This is because ergonomic modification addresses issues of different forms of awkward postures, high-stress development, and heavy lifting related repetitive motions developed in the workplace. Some critical factors in ergonomic modification treatment are reducing stress-inducing movements, educational tool implementation, and workstation design. The best way to treat WSMD with ergonomic modification is to combine ergonomic education and workstation modifications.

The ergonomic modification also takes into consideration the less known factors into the development of a WSMD. Three modifications are essential for WSMD treatment. The first modification is posture modification. Posture modification is necessary because it corrects every individual’s posture to reduce muscle stress and tension. This is because improper posture can cause strain to the musculoskeletal system. The second modification is organizational. An example would be changing a desk or chair to reduce repetitive stretching, straining the neck and shoulders. 

The last modification that helps treat WSMD is workstation modification. Many workers deal with musculoskeletal issues. Occupational Therapy can be essential to those interested in ergonomic modifications for these types of injuries. 

Local Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

WSMD affects millions of people every year. It can take away many employees’ hours of work due to their suffering from WSMD injuries. These injuries have become an enormous burden to those affected and even the United States economy. The method still lacks heavy evidence due to it being a novel intervention method. However, despite the lack of evidence, some evidence shows that ergonomic modifications benefit WSMD. East End Occupational Therapy offers all the information you need for ergonomic modifications. To learn more about our occupational therapy in Oceanside, visit our website here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to bring with me?
    • Make sure you bring your therapy referral or prescription (provided to you by your doctor) and your payment information. If your insurance is covering the cost of occupational therapy, bring your insurance card. If you are covered by Workers’ Compensation, bring your claim number. If you are covered by auto insurance or an attorney lien, make sure you bring this information.
  • Is occupational therapy painful?
    • In some cases, occupational therapy techniques can cause discomfort. For example, some therapy methods used to recover hand or shoulder range of motion after a significant injury or surgery can be painful. Your occupational therapist will utilize a variety of techniques to help maximize your treatment goals. It is important that you communicate the intensity, frequency, and duration of pain to your therapist. Without this information, it is difficult for the therapist to adjust your treatment plan.
  • How long will each treatment last?
    • Treatment sessions typically last 30 to 60 minutes per visit
  • What happens after my therapy sessions end?
    • Some patients will need to continue with therapeutic exercises at home. Others will complete their rehabilitation and return to normal daily activities. It is important that you communicate your goals to your therapist, so he/she can develop a custom program for you.

Contact Us For Occupational Therapy in Oceanside

East End Occupational Therapy