Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY

Anthony Marullo MS, OTR is the founder and practitioner of East End Occupational Therapy. As member of the American Society of Hand Therapists [ASHT] he has countless hours of advanced training in hand and upper extremity injuries. Anthony was awarded a membership to Alpha Eta, the National Honor Society of the Allied Health Professions which is considered a distinct honor and reserved only for those who graduate at the top of their class. East End Occupational Therapy is the culmination of Anthony’s vision to bring excellence to the field of specialized hand therapy and his passion for the occupational therapy profession. If you are in need of Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY don’t hesitate to contact our office.

East End Occupational Therapy is a specialized hand and upper extremity rehabilitation practice that has been dedicated to providing a complete and comprehensive range of occupational therapy services to its patients. The team at East End Occupational Therapy strives to deliver the best evidence based care possible through our client centered approach. Not only is our practice in direct contact with your physician from the initial examination through your discharge, we also work closely with your surgeon to develop an optimal plan of care with the goal of restoring your functional independence. Most of us rely on our hands routinely and it is not until we suffer an injury that we recognize the importance of our hand function when performing daily living skills.

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What is Occupational Therapy?

Have you recently suffered from an injury or illness that has impacted your ability to complete once easy tasks?  Do you or a loved one have a disability that impairs the ability to perform basic functions?  If the answer to either of these questions is yes, our occupational therapist at East End Occupational Therapy can help.  Continue reading to learn more about receiving Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY, and the benefits this service can bring you.

What Is Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY?

The main goal of occupational therapy is teaching patients how to adapt to their everyday situations. Our trained occupational therapists will make a full assessment of your condition and come up with therapeutic ways to help you achieve your goals. Some of the most common situations occupational therapy helps with include:

  • Children struggling to participate fully in school and other social situations.
  • Aiding those suffering from an injury to recover their strength and skills.
  • Helping elderly patients deal with the physical and cognitive changes that come with aging.        
Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY

Benefits Of Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY:

Choosing our team at East End Occupational Therapy to administer occupational therapy will help you reap various benefits. Our occupational therapist will work with you to teach you ways to change your movements, so none of your abilities remain hindered. Examples of activities our occupational therapist will assist you to perform better at include:

  • Leisure activities.
  • Office work.
  • Bathing and getting dressed.
  • Eating without the help of others.

Who Can This Form Of Therapy Help?

Occupational therapy is a field that has steadily increased in its need over recent years as anyone who struggles with completing common tasks will benefit from attending sessions. If you’re dealing with any of the below injuries or health conditions, consider reaching out to our team for occupational therapy as these all can have physical ramifications:

  • Strokes.
  • Arthritis or chronic pain.
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Mental health or behavioral issues.    

What To Expect During Your First Session?

It’s perfectly normal to be a bit nervous about your first session of Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY. To help ease these nerves, our team would like to walk you through what you can expect to take place. The first step of the occupational therapy process will be to make a full assessment of your condition, home, and workplace. 

Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY

After completing the assessment, our occupational therapist may advise you to start using assistive devices. They will also work closely with your family or caregivers to give everyone the necessary information to help you live complication-free. One of the most important things to remember is that you will play an important role throughout the entirety of the therapy process. Your opinion will always be taken into account, especially at the time of your first session.

East End Occupational Therapy: 

At East End Occupational Therapy, our mission is to provide quality and compassionate care.  When issues with your ability to function and complete everyday tasks begin to arise, occupational therapy can be used to overcome them.  By teaching you new methods for movement, and how to use assistive devices, you’ll be able to improve your functionality to levels you thought would now be impossible.  To learn more about Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY, and how it can help you, be sure to schedule an appointment with us today!  When you choose us for care, you’ll guarantee you’re in the best hands. 

Our Mission

The mission of East End Occupational Therapy is to provide our patients with compassionate and skilled therapy of the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder as we tailor individualized treatment plans to help improve quality of life.

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Hand Therapy

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Upper Extremity Therapy

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Hand Injuries

Made up of an intricate network of bones, muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons all working together to allow for movement, the hands are an impressive anatomical structure.  However, due to their complexity, even the slightest injury can throw off the entire functionality of your hands.  To prevent this from occurring, patients should seek outOccupational Therapy near Centereach, NY as soon as an injury takes place.  Our team at East End Occupational Therapy will help nurse your hands back to full health, and prevent any long-lasting complications from taking place.

Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY – Common Hand Injury Causes 

The hands play a role in almost all of your daily activities.  Due to this fact, it stands to reason that there are a lot of different causes that can lead to injuries to these body parts.  Below are examples of the six general categories hand injury causes are broken down into, all of which can be helped with Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY:

Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY
  • Lacerations.
  • Fractures and dislocations.
  • Soft tissue injuries.
  • Burns.
  • Infections.
  • High-pressure injuries.


Sprains And Tears

There are numerous ligaments and tendons spread throughout the hand and wrist that allow for proper movement.  Ligaments are responsible for bone-to-bone connections, while tendons attach muscles to bones.  When these tissues become overused. Or are forced to stretch outside of their normal range of motion, they become sprained or torn.  This damage to the ligaments and tendons will compromise hand functionality, and quickly decrease your quality of life.  Depending on its severity and location, a sprain or tear can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Limited range of motion.
  • Pain when resting or moving.
  • Swelling and inflammation.
  • Difficulty with grasping and holding.

Breaks And Fractures 

Breaks and fractures can take place to any of the bones in your hands and wrist.  When you’ve sustained an injury such as this in these areas, you must seek out treatment right away.  Casting your hand and wrist will ensure that the bones heal correctly, eliminating the risk of misalignment that requires surgery to correct.  When proper rehabilitation does not take place, patients open themselves up to issues such as:

  • Damage to the nerves and blood vessels.
  • The development of osteoarthritis.
  • Prolonged stiffness or aching in the injured area.   

Mallet Finger   

Mallet finger is a condition that takes place in the tendons in the tip of your fingers and thumbs. When this condition is present, it means that the tendon has become damaged, usually as a result of it being hit with a direct force. This damage leads to the finger drooping and being unable to point out straight. By utilizing our service of handy therapy in Oceanside, you’ll see a realignment of the damaged tendon and your finger, allowing the below symptoms to be eliminated:

  • Bruising.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Tenderness.
  • Inability to straighten your fingertips. 

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

Occupational Therapy in Centereach, NY

If you’ve recently begun to experience pain or swelling near the base of your thumb, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with de Quervain’s tenosynovitis. This condition is a painful one that affects the tendons on the thumb side of your wrist. However, other causes that can lead to damage and pain to these tendons include:

  • Sustaining a direct injury to your wrist.
  • The development of scar tissue that hinders the tendon’s range of motion.
  • Inflammatory arthritis.   

Dislocated Fingers

One final hand injury our team would like to mention is dislocated fingers. Each finger of your hand has three joints, while each thumb has two. When the bones of the fingers and thumbs become misaligned from the joint, this is when a dislocation takes place. Though this injury most commonly takes place in the middle joint of the finger, all joints are subject to suffering from it. The most common causes of dislocations are sports injuries, falls, and accidents that cause a crushing blow to the fingers. No matter how it was sustained, Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY can be used to ensure the area is realigned. If you begin suffering from the below symptoms, contact our team for help right away:

  • Finger bones appear dislodged.
  • Swelling or bruising around the joint.
  • Pain around the joint.
  • Inability to move your finger.    

Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY

Patients dealing with any type of hand injury can find difficulty completing once simple tasks.  To help stop this from happening, our team at East End Occupational Therapy will administer Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY to patients in need.  To learn more about hand injuries, and how we will help, contact us today.  

Upper Extremity Problems

At East End Occupational Therapy, we take pride in helping patients recover from ailments of their upper extremities. The upper extremity is a term used to define the upper limb and consists of one’s shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.  Due to the intricate makeup of this area. It can be affected by many ailments that will drastically change a person’s quality of life.  Fortunately, occupational therapy near Centereach, NY can be administered by our team to help patients make a full recovery. To get them back to being pain-free. If you’ve been diagnosed with any of the conditions we go on to list, consider reaching out to our team for help.

Labrum Strains And Tears 

Your labrum is a thick band of tissue that surrounds your shoulder socket and keeps the functionality of this joint secure.  When you take part in activities that require repeated overhead motion, this tissue can become strained, or even tear, which compromises the integrity of the joint.  Patients suffering from labrum issues can expect to experience the below symptoms:

  • Instability in the shoulder joint.
  • Reduced range of motion.
  • Limited strength.
  • Feelings of catching, locking, or grinding when trying to move your shoulder.

Collarbone Breaks And Fractures

Breaks and fractures to the collarbone are common amongst patients who live an active lifestyle. This bone connects the upper part of your breastbone to your shoulder blade and plays a huge role in the functionality of your shoulders.  Falls, sports injuries, and vehicle-related trauma are all common factors that lead to collarbone breaks and fractures.  When rehabbing from this injury. Occupational therapy near Centereach, NY can be used to prevent serious complications that accompany it.  Examples of complications include:

  • Development of osteoporosis.
  • Delayed healing/permanent damage.
  • Formation of lumps on the bone.
  • Nerve or blood vessel problems.


Little League Elbow

As the name may suggest, little league elbow is a condition that affects the younger population.  It is caused by repetitive stress placed on the growth plate on the inside of the elbow.  Children and adolescents who play baseball are most susceptible to this injury, as the extension that takes place when performing a throwing motion will irritate a weak growth plate.  If you notice your child displaying the below symptoms, they may require occupational therapy near Centereach, NY:

  • A distinct “popping” sensation at the time of the injury.
  • Aching, sharp pain, and swelling in the elbow.
  • Pain that progresses when throwing.


Tennis Elbow

Similar to little league elbow, tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects the elbow joint. Tendons are responsible for connecting muscles to bones and can become irritated and inflamed when overused.  While the name may suggest otherwise, you don’t have to be an athlete to suffer from this condition.  Any occupation that requires repeated bending and exertion of the elbow joint can lead to it taking place.  The most common symptoms of tennis elbow include pain and weakness that radiates from the outside of your elbow into your forearm and wrist. 


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Patients who have started to experience numbness, tingling, or weakness in their hands may be suffering from the condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition takes place when your median nerve, which runs down the length of your arm, becomes compressed. The compression typically happens at the carpal tunnel, a passage in which the median nerve travels through to the wrist. Patients facing carpal tunnel syndrome often cannot pinpoint the exact cause of this condition. However, it is typically the result of repetitive movements. While some may choose surgery to cure them of this ailment, occupational therapy near Centereach, NY can be used to find relief in a non-invasive manner. By choosing our team for help, we’ll eliminate symptoms such as:

  • Burning, tingling, or numbness in the palm of your hand and fingers.
  • Tingling that radiates up your arm.
  • Experiencing difficulties with grabbing and holding.

Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY

When faced with ailments of the upper extremities, knowing where to turn will help you make a full and speedy recovery.  At East End Occupational Therapy. By administering occupational therapy near Centereach, NY, our staff allows patients to get back to the levels of health they had before the injury.  If you’re suffering from any of the injuries that we listed or one that was not mentioned, do not hesitate to contact us today.  We’ll set you down the path of recovery that you’ve been looking for.

Occupational Therapy near Centereach, NY

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East End Occupational Therapy